
Opening hours

Want to take a ride in our gondola with the most spectacular and beautiful panorama view? Here is our opening hours for this summer: 

Week 26-31: open every day from 11:00AM - 5:00PM

Week 32-41: open saturdays and sundays from 11:00AM-5:00PM

After 15/10 it will be maintenance for the gondola/cable car before new winter season. 

Please ask us if you are in the area outside of our regular opening hours, because we have a lot of preordered groups that comes here for the gondola — and you might be lucky and be here at the same time. Contact us on the e-mail below. 

You may also rent our premises for private events. Contact booking@strandafjellet.no 




May and june: closed (open for big pre booked groups)

Week 27-31 (July 1st till August 4th): Fjord Panorama at Roalden (mountain top) open every day from 11:30AM till 4:30PM and Stova 1957 (café at the bottom area by the parking lot) is open every day from 11:00AM till 5:00 PM.  

Week 32-35 (August): Fjord Panorama at Roalden open every saturday and sunday from 11:30AM till 4:30PM and Stova 1957 open every saturday and sunday from 11:00AM till 5:00PM.